Municipal Law

Commercial Zoning Laws in Pennsylvania
Commercial Zoning Laws - A Guide for Business Owners It pays to know zoning laws...

Politcal Yard Signs - Are They Legal In Pennsylvania?
Political yard signs and free speech have become a source of significant controversy in Pennsylvania,...

Pennsylvania Tree Laws
Below is a primer on the municipal laws regarding trees along property lines and public...

A Guide to High-Density Housing in Pennsylvania Municipalities
Pennsylvanians are facing a significant issue regarding the affordability of residential real estate. The shortage...

Property Tax Appeal in PA
Property tax assessments are critical components of real estate ownership. They impact both commercial and...

Philadelphia Transfer Tax Update for 2023
You must be aware of the Philadelphia transfer tax if you're dealing with commercial, residential,...

Who's Responsible for That Street Tree?
In Pennsylvania, there are different laws governing boundary, private property, and street trees that landowners...

High Swartz Municipal Lawyers Group Profile - Suburban Life Magazine
The attorneys of High Swartz LLP’s Municipal Law Group continue the over 100-year-old legacy of...

The Emerald Ash Borer Killed a Tree on My Property Line. Who is Responsible For Its Removal?
The Emerald Ash Borer insect has wreaked havoc throughout much of PA and is migrating...

Stormwater Fees in PA - What You Need to Know
Property Owners in PA looking to challenge their stormwater fees need to understand the requirements...