john finnegan | law clerk at high swartz llp in montgomery county pa

John Finnegan: Summer Law Clerk at High Swartz LLP

What attracted John Finnegan into law was the opportunity to use his education and interpersonal skills to advocate for clients and navigate legal complexities. Recently we spoke with the summer law clerk about his aspirations, experiences, and advice for aspiring law students.

"I am from Newtown, Connecticut, a town in Fairfield County that is about 25 minutes from the New York State border," John shared. In his free time, John enjoys traveling, playing golf, and attending sporting events. John is also interested in waterskiing and wakeboarding.

John aims to be diligent and thorough in the work put in front of him. “Representing the firm in a way that is aligned with how they serve clients is important," John stated.

Summer Clerkship at High Swartz LLP

At this stage, John is open to various sectors of law. "More importantly, I want to find my niche skillset that will allow me to stand out to firms and clients. So far at High Swartz, I have really enjoyed the family law work."

John was drawn to the firm because of its general practice capabilities. "High Swartz offers a wide variety of legal services, which drove me to seek a clerk position," John explained. "I wanted to obtain a well-rounded summer experience and create genuine relationships with each of the attorneys."

Advice for Future Law Students

John stresses the importance of mentorship in school and after. "Develop genuine and personal relationships with your professors, regardless of what kind of grade you receive, or you think you will receive," John advised. "Professors can be the best form of guidance outside the classroom."

Looking Ahead

John will continue his legal studies in the fall at George Washington University Law School in D.C. He expressed his gratitude for his professors and peers at Rutgers. "I want to thank my teachers and friends at Rutgers for a tremendous year of personal growth, made possible through their valued counsel at every turn," John stated.

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