Car Accident Lawyers in Bucks County and Montgomery County

Our car accident and personal injury lawyers have the experience and compassion you need to help you get the compensation you deserve.

According to Driver Knowledge, three million people are injured in car accidents every year in the U.S., and two million experience permanent injuries. Furthermore, a lot of those injuries stem from distracted drivers. Just look at the numbers:

  • Each day more than nine people get killed
  • 33% of drivers text while driving
  • 20% of crashes involved a distracted driver
  • 40% of accidents are related to alcohol
  • 33% are related to reckless driving

That's why it pays to understand your options with an accident. So talk with a car accident lawyer immediately.

PA is a No-Fault State

Let's start with the fact that Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. Regardless of fault, each party can collect compensation where insurance is concerned. In addition, Pennsylvania law provides two options involving limited tort and full tort. If you choose the former, you'll be unable to file a lawsuit for compensation in most cases when in a car accident. However, your insurance handles any payment.

With full tort, you can elect to forgo the no-fault system. So if you're involved in a car accident, you can file a lawsuit. The at-fault driver pays compensation relating to medical expenses and lost wages.

In Pennsylvania, you have two years to file a personal injury claim stemming from a car accident. Talk to a car accident lawyer about your case.

What should you do if you've been in a car accident?

Here's one way to look at it. If most of the damage is to your car and not you, it's probably best to have your insurance fix your vehicle. But if you're seriously injured and unable to work for any time or suffer a debilitating injury, talk with a car accident lawyer.

Here are steps you can take to protect yourself:

  1. Seek medical attention as quickly as possible to make sure your injuries are properly assessed and documented.
  2. Don't be quick to settle the claim with your insurance company. And be careful what you say to them, especially with adjustors representing the other driver. They're looking to minimize their costs.
  3. Don't go it alone. Any car accident claim is littered with intricacies that you may be unable to handle.

Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer Near You Immediately

We have experienced car accident lawyers at our personal injury law firm. We have offices in Doylestown and Norristown, PA. As a result, they can advise you and represent you to ensure your injuries receive the serious attention they deserve. Let us help. It's what we do.

Call Rich Sokorai at 610.275.0700 or email We'll take the time to talk through the details with you.


Car Accidents Attorneys

Kevin Cornish

Kevin Cornish multi state litigation support attorney

Kevin Cornish is a seasoned commercial litigator and retail defense attorney serving national clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

Richard C. Sokorai

Richard C. Sokorai | litigation Attorney | High Swartz Attorneys at Law

Richard Sokorai is an equity partner at High Swartz. He focuses on civil litigation, personal injury, and environmental law as an attorney.

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