Eliz Baydar | High Swartz LLP Law Clerk | Montgomery County PA

Eliz Baydar: A Rising 2L Making Her Mark at High Swartz LLP

Eliz Baydar, a rising 2L at the Charles Widger School of Law at Villanova University, is spending her summer as a law clerk at High Swartz LLP in Montgomery County. Eliz was placed with the firm through the Robert E. Slota Diversity Program, organized by the Montgomery Bar Association.

Early Inspirations and Education

From a young age, Eliz says she was naturally argumentative, a trait she says hinted at a possible future in law. Growing up in Westchester County, NY, she found inspiration in her father, a practicing attorney. His dedication to helping others through his legal work influenced her decision to pursue a similar career.

Eliz attended Stony Brook University, where she majored in Political Science and minored in Journalism. She was active in honor societies such as Pi Sigma Alpha and the University Scholars Program at the school, which helped her gain leadership experience.

Choosing Villanova University for law school was a key decision for Eliz. She appreciated Montgomery County's proximity to her hometown and the supportive community she found there. Now living in the area, she is fully engaged in her legal studies and extracurricular activities.

Summer Clerkship at High Swartz LLP

This summer, Eliz is working with real estate attorneys Don Petrille, Sean Livesey, and Bill Kerr and gaining practical experience in real estate matters. She finds the hands-on aspects of her work, such as dealing with real estate documents more engaging than classroom learning. Visiting actual properties and meeting clients has added a human element to her summer experience.

“Working with real life matters at the firm is a much different experience than learning about real estate documents in school,” she says. “We were able to travel to the locations and meet with the buyers, which helped put names to faces.”

Commitment to Community and Advocacy

Eliz volunteers at the Ardmore Food Pantry, helping distribute meals to residents in need in Montgomery County. At law school, she serves as the secretary of the Latin American Law Students Association and the treasurer of If/When/How, an organization advocating for reproductive justice as fundamental civil and human rights.

Advice for Future Law Students

Eliz encourages future law students to establish a support system. “Whether it’s your family or friends, having people who understand you and your experience is important. Law school demands a lot of hard work and willpower, and being mentally prepared is crucial,” she says.

Looking Ahead

With her first year of law school behind her, Eliz is eager to focus on real estate and personal injury law. Her goal is to continue learning from experienced attorneys here and ultimately to advocate through her legal career. “My main goal is to help people, and law is a way I feel I can do the most good,” she says.

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