Business Law

Choosing a Business Structure
Starting your own business can be rewarding and energizing. And yes, it can be a...

How Will Divorce Affect My Business?
Divorce and business. For the owner, running the company can be never-ending and all-consuming. In...

What is an LLC Operating Agreement?
An operating agreement is essential if you're forming a limited liability corporation (LLC). An LLC...

When Letters of Intent are Involved in Litigation
What is a Letter of Intent? A letter of intent (LOI) is a document which...

Should I form an LLC for an Investment Property?
So you want to invest in real estate, possibly buying one or more investment properties,...

Business Interruption Insurance in PA – Are You Really Covered During the Pandemic?
Many business owners had insurance policies that included “business interruption” coverage. If the pandemic isn’t...

A Small Business Game Plan to Follow During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Feeling sick about your business during these uncertain times? Doylestown Attorney Donald Petrille offers a...

How the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Will Affect Local Business
The Act seeks to address the impact of coronavirus in a number of areas, but...

Starting or Relocating a Business: Watch Out for Local Requirements!
Anyone who starts or relocates a business goes through exciting and challenging times. It is...

Small business owners: Beware these recent developments in PA law!
For small business owners, the growth of a startup business can cause you to overlook...