Employment Discrimination Can Be Difficult for Businesses and Employees Alike.

Our employment attorneys have represented both sides of an employment covenant. For example, our attorneys partner with business owners, executives, and human resource professionals to navigate the ever-changing landscape of employment law and employment discrimination, including:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act ("Title VII")
    • Includes Race, Color, Sex, National Origin, Religion
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act ("PDA")
  • Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA")
  • Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA")
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act ("ADEA")
  • Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act ("USERRA")
  • Equal Pay Act of 1963 ("EPA")
  • Additional state anti-discrimination statutes such as the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act ("PHRA") and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination ("NJLAD")

Appropriate Documentation Reduces Employment Discrimination Claims

The key to eliminating the risk of employment discrimination claims by employees is to discuss and analyze impending disciplinary action beforehand, especially suspensions and terminations. For example, you must determine whether the corrective action is warranted and supported by sufficient documentation. And that it's not born of any other circumstance (e.g., retaliation). As a law firm serving Doylestown and Norristown, we believe this part of the process of invaluable. Our employment lawyers can support you as a business owner to work through disciplinary actions to reduce future risk.

In addition, our attorneys assist in preparing, revising, and advising on human resource policies, employee handbooks, performance improvement plans, etc. An employee policy that permits the employer to impose discipline on the employee is essential. Thorough attention to employee handbook creation and policies reduces the risk of employment discrimination lawsuits.

Representation Before Administrative Agencies

Should an employee or former employee take the initial step of filing a claim/charge of employment discrimination with an administrative agency, our employment lawyers will provide you with knowledgeable and vigorous representation before the agency. Whether Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC"), the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission ("PHRC"), or another state or federal agency, our attorneys will guide and advise you through the process. That process typically includes preparing a factual position statement and producing some information and associated documents.

Employment Discrimination Litigation

Our employment lawyers are experienced litigators who advocate for your business if an employment discrimination claim is brought in federal or state court. Our job is to defend the claim so you can continue to operate your business. In addition, throughout the litigation process, we will keep you advised of any risk in the case and the cost-benefit of resolving the matter short of a jury trial.

The employment lawyers at our Bucks County and Montgomery County law offices can help proactively avoid potential employment discrimination issues or represent you if one arises. Just call us to set up an appointment or use the contact us form.

Employment Discrimination Attorneys

Thomas D. Rees

Thomas D. Rees | labor employment Attorney | High Swartz Attorneys at Law

Labor & Employment Attorney Thomas D. Rees handles litigation and dispute resolution for businesses and schools in and around Pennsylvania.

Joel D. Rosen

Joel Rosen | corporate law attorney at High Swartz Attorneys for Law

Managing Partner and corporate law attorney Joel D. Rosen has 30+ years experience practicing law in employment, franchise and business areas.

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