Tom Gabor's Legal Insights

Joel D. Rosen, Esq. Joins Board of Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research
The High Swartz LLP managing partner joins an impressive board of executives and innovators. The...

Mary Cushing Doherty Leads LLS Advocacy Group on 2023 DC visit
Mary Cushing Doherty, High Swartz LLP family attorney and dedicated advocate for the Leukemia &...

High Swartz Welcomes Li Shao Via MBA Diversity Internship & Development Program
High Swartz LLP is pleased to announce that Li Shao has joined the firm as...

Jacob Limaldi Joins High Swartz LLP as Summer Law Clerk
High Swartz LLP is pleased to announce that Jacob Limaldi, (Charles Widger School of Law,...

Attorney Gilbert P. High, Jr. Honored for His 57 Years of Service
Gilbert P. High, Jr. Esq. is a namesake at High Swartz LLP. His grandfather, father,...

Mark R. Fischer, Jr. Named President of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section
High Swartz LLP is pleased to announce that firm partner, Mark R. Fischer, Jr. has...

Emily Bushnell Elevated to Executive Director at High Swartz LLP
High Swartz is pleased to announce that firm administrator, Emily Bushnell, has been promoted to...

Michael A. Luongo Joins our Doylestown Law Office
High Swartz LLP is pleased to announce the addition of Michael A. Luongo, Esq. to...

Judith Algeo and Don Petrille of our Doylestown Law Office Elected Partners
High Swartz LLP is pleased to announce that Judith A. Algeo, Esq. and Donald Petrille,...

Shari Gelfont Williams Joins the Firm's Family Law Practice
High Swartz is pleased to announce the addition of attorney Shari Gelfont Williams to the...