Our Criminal Lawyers Stand By Your Side

Navigating the criminal justice system requires knowledge and experience. Our Montgomery County, PA, criminal lawyers are adept at examining evidence and investigating criminal cases. They also know how to negotiate to reduce charges or sentences potentially.

Most importantly, they understand their role isn't just about the courtroom. It's about providing the support you or your loved ones need during a trying time. We prepare you for every step when facing criminal charges.

Felonies vs. Misdemeanors

Let's start by understanding the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor. The consequences between the two are severe, as are their requirements for legal representation.

With some misdemeanors, you may not require legal assistance. However, felony charges typically always need the support of a criminal lawyer.

The primary distinction between a felony and a misdemeanor lies in the severity of the crime and the corresponding legal penalties. Here's a breakdown of their differences:

Severity of the Crime

Felony: Represents more serious criminal offenses, such as murder, rape, or grand theft.

Misdemeanor: Pertains to less severe offenses like petty theft, minor assaults, or first-time DUIs.

Legal Penalties

Felony: Convictions typically result in harsher penalties, including substantial fines and extended prison sentences. It's essential to speak with a criminal lawyer for representation.

Misdemeanor: Consequences usually involve lesser fines and shorter jail sentences, often a year or less. The offender typically serves the sentence in a local or county jail rather than a prison.

Long-Term Implications

Felony: A felony conviction can have lasting repercussions like firearm ownership, future employment opportunities, and voting rights.

Misdemeanor: While still serious, the long-term impacts of a misdemeanor are generally less restrictive than those of a felony. However, multiple misdemeanor convictions can compound and potentially lead to more severe consequences.

A Criminal Lawyer May Improve Your Outcome

Facing charges for a felony is daunting enough. But if convicted, the consequences can be overwhelming. Consult with a criminal lawyer immediately for any legal issue involving a felony.

Consequences extend to lengthy prison terms, steep fines, and loss of rights. Even probation comes with its own set of challenges. You're subject to monitoring, frequent check-ins with probation offices, and other restrictions.

With any felony offense, you also suffer damage to your reputation. With a felony on your criminal record, securing employment becomes an arduous task. Many employers may hesitate to hire someone with a criminal background. You even face a decline in housing applications.

An excellent criminal attorney is often the only thing between you and a conviction. Our Montgomery County criminal lawyers focus on results to get you the best outcome.

Felonies Requiring the Best Criminal Lawyer

A felony reflects the most severe crimes. Felony convictions can result in imprisonment for a year or more. Even more sobering, Pennsylvania still leaves the door open for the death penalty if guilty of first-degree murder. If you face a charge, talk with a criminal lawyer near you to map out a defense.

Typical types of felony offenses requiring a criminal lawyer include:

Violent Crimes

These involve direct harm or threat to an individual, with assault and robbery as classic examples. Of course, the most severe violent crimes include murder, the intentional killing of another. Equally serious is manslaughter, an unintended killing resulting from recklessness or negligence.

Drug Crimes

Drug-related felonies go beyond simple possession, encompassing and manufacturing. It also includes possession with the intent to sell or distribute. Visit our drug offense content here.

White Collar Crimes

Non-violent but seriously damaging white-collar crimes focus on deceit, concealment, or a violation of trust to gain financial advantages. Examples include fraud, bribery, embezzlement, identity theft, and money laundering.

Sex Crimes

These profoundly personal crimes violate individuals' autonomy and consent, notably rape and sexual assault. Child pornography, which exploits minors, is among the most abhorred felonies. Montgomery County criminal lawyer John S. Han has the experience to assist in child pornography matters in Pennsylvania.

Property Crimes

These crimes focus on property rather than direct harm to individuals. Classic examples include burglary, arson, and grand theft.

Felony Classes in Pennsylvania

The PA General Assembly classifies offenses in Title 18. But you should be aware there are three felony degrees in Pennsylvania. Each carries different jail terms and fines.

First-Degree Felony Offenses

As you'd expect, convictions for these offenses are the most severe:

    • Up to 20 years in jail
    • Fines up to $25,000

Offenses warranting a first-degree sentence include murder, assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, rape, and arson. Property theft of $500,000 or more can also lead to a conviction.

Second-Degree Felony Offenses

Falling between the two second-degree offenses can result in:

    • Up to 10 years in jail
    • Fines up to $25,000

Offenses warranting a second-degree sentence include sexual assault, burglary, and indecent assault. Like first-degree convictions, property theft of less than $500,000 but at least $100,000 is punishable. It also includes involuntary manslaughter of a child under 12 years old.

Third-Degree Felony Offenses

Third-degree offenses can result in:

    • Up to 7 years in jail
    • Fines up to $15,000

Offenses warranting a second-degree sentence include bribery, possession of child pornography, and possession of drugs intending to distribute. It also provides gun crimes and property theft worth over $2,000 but less than $100,000.

As you can see, you face life-changing consequences with a criminal conviction in Pennsylvania. A criminal lawyer can help draft a strategy for your defense. Let's look at some of those options.

Defense Strategies Used by Criminal Lawyers

When facing a felony charge, crafting a robust and well-thought-out defense strategy is paramount. A strategic defense can mean the difference between a conviction and an acquittal. It can also mean the difference between a harsh sentence and a more lenient one.

Here are some commonly used defense strategies by criminal attorneys:

  • Alibi: The defense attorney argues that the accused couldn't have committed the crime because they were elsewhere when the crime occurred.
  • Self-Defense: This defense asserts that any harm inflicted was necessary to protect themselves or others from damage.
  • Insanity: It argues that the defendant was mentally ill during the crime. As a result, they didn't understand the nature of their actions. Or they couldn't distinguish between right and wrong.
  • Duress: The defendant had no choice but to commit the crime to prevent immediate danger to themselves or others.
  • Entrapment: The felony lawyer poses that a police officer or other official coerced someone to commit the crime.
  • Mistake of Fact: The defendant argues that they made an honest mistake that led to criminal behavior.
  • Constitutional Violations: The attorney presents a violation of the defendant's rights during the investigation or arrest. It often seeks to exclude evidence obtained without a warrant or during an unlawful arrest.

The success of a defense strategy depends heavily on the specifics of the case. But if you or a loved one faces felony charges, consult a knowledgeable criminal lawyer near you. They can tailor the best defense for your situation.

Montgomery County PA Criminal Lawyers

Felony charges are no laughing matter -- the rest of your life or a loved one's could be on the line. Talk to a criminal lawyer at our Norristown, PA, law firm. We can help draft a strategy to deliver your case's best results.

Felonies Attorneys

John S. Han

John Han | Criminal Defense attorney | Greater Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Criminal defense attorney John S. Han represents clients facing investigation and prosecution by both State and Federal Law Enforcement authorities for felony criminal violations.

Michael A. Luongo

Michael A. Luongo business litigation attorney in High Swartz's doylestown law office

Bucks county Business Litigation attorney Michael A. Luongo also practices personal injury, criminal defense, and in our PA municipal practice.

Shari R. Gelfont Williams

shari gelfont williams at high swartz llp doylestown law office

Bucks County Attorney with 25+ years' experience in litigation with a focus on family law, estate planning, and business disputes.

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